Senior Citizens

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Seniors citizens can enroll at MECC part-time or full-time, tuition-free for credit courses, if they meet the following criteria:

  • Be 60 years of age or older;
  • Be a domiciled resident of Virginia for at least one year;
  • Had a taxable income not exceeding $23,850 for federal income tax purposes for the year preceding the year in which enrolling is sought (1989 amendment).

To be eligible for free tuition for audit of credit courses or for taking non-credit courses (not to exceed three courses per semester), a person must meet the following criteria:

  • Be 60 years of age or older;
  • Be a domiciled resident of Virginia for at least one year;
  • Be admitted to the College as a student.

How to Enroll as a Senior Fee-Waiver Student

Follow the steps below. If you have questions along the way, please call the 276-523-2400.

  • Apply to MECC as outlined in the Steps to Enrollment.
  • Complete a Senior Citizens Tuition Waiver Form INSERT FORM or pick up a form in the Admissions Office located in Godwin Hall.
  • Register in person for classes at the MECC Admissions Office located in Godwin Hall by the “Last Day to Register/Add/Audit” deadline as noted in the Academic Calendar and be sure to bring your completed senior citizen waiver form.