Institutional Review Board (IRB)

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Purpose of the Institutional Review Board

The purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to ensure, both in advance and by periodic review, that appropriate steps are taken to protect the rights and welfare of humans participating as subjects in research studies conducted by or with Mountain Empire Community College employees or students, or on the MECC campus.  MECC’s IRB reviews human subject research proposals to ensure that the rights and welfare of human subjects are protected by minimizing risks and ensuring informed and voluntary participation.

The IRB does not assume the role of evaluating the soundness of the proposed research study, the merits of the research design, or the potential contribution of the research to scholarly literature. Rather, the IRB is charged with evaluating each project’s compliance with ethical standards in regard to issues such as informed consent, confidentiality, and risk to participants.

Persons Affected

  • Employees and students of MECC who engage in human subject and/or scientific research under the auspices of the college.
  • Individuals and/or other organizations or institutions seeking to conduct research using MECC resources.
  • If you are unsure whether or not your project requires IRB review, contact MECC’s IRB Manager.


Natasha Tabor, MBA

Coordinator of Institutional Effectiveness (IRB Manager)

Dr. Dale Lee, Ed.D.

Disability Services and Student Leadership Counselor (Chair)

Dr. Dan Roop, Ed.D.

Principal, Wise County Alt. Ed. Center (Non-Affiliated Member)

Christy Lee, MSAH

Instructional Technologist

Dr. Bethany Arnold, Ed.D.

Professor of English and Education

Nora Blankenbecler, MBA

HIM Program Director

Deborah Wright, M.S.

Assistant Professor of Nursing

Kristy Hall, M.S.

Interim Vice President, Financial & Administrative Services

Frequently Asked Questions (IRB)

An Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of the institution with which the IRB is affiliated. The IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in, or disapprove all research activities that fall within its jurisdiction as specified by both the federal regulations and local institutional policy.

MECC has moved increasingly toward a more data-driven decision-making model in recent years, creating the need to conduct more targeted studies on teaching methods and the impact of student services on student success. In addition, federal agencies are increasingly requiring grantees to incorporate rigorous program evaluation activities into grant-funded programs. As a result, research activities at the College have expanded significantly. MECC established its IRB in 2010 in order to ensure the protection of human research participants.

Mountain Empire Community College has adapted the ethical principles for protection of human subjects as stated in the Code of Federal Regulations: 45 CFR §46. Created by the National Research Act in 1979, the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research was established to enact these regulations. The Commission published The Belmont Report, which set forth the following basic ethical principles for the conduct of research involving human subjects:

  • Respect for Persons – Acknowledgement of the autonomy of the individual and the responsibility to provide special protection for individuals with reduced autonomy. 
  • Beneficence – A responsibility to do no harm, to maximize possible benefits, and to minimize possible harm.
  • Justice – An expectation of fairness in distribution of benefits realized from research as well as its burdens.

Yes. MECC has an IRB Policy that was last revised in December 2013.

MECC's Institutional Review Board meets at least once each year, usually in the fall, and schedules additional meetings throughout the year as needed to conduct business.


MECC's Institutional Review Board accepts applications on an ongoing basis.  We recommend that applicants initiate the review process at least two months in advance of their desired approval date, in order to accommodate the scheduling of meetings.


In general, if your project can be described as a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge, and involves collecting information about, or interacting with, living humans, then it may meet the definition of human subject research and should be submitted for IRB review.  When in doubt, investigators should contact the IRB Manager for additional guidance.


All MECC IRB approvals are contingent upon completion of approved human subject protection training.

If you are looking for a free training option, we recommend the Protecting Human Research Participants training by the National Institutes of Health.  This course allows users to create an account, save progress, and complete the training in multiple sessions.  Investigators are encouraged to print a copy of the certificate of completion that is generated at the end of the course in order to document training completion.

Investigators have a number of responsibilities beyond the initial IRB approval, including:

  • Ensuring that no research activities begin until IRB approval is granted;
  • Ensuring that all researchers (co-investigators, research assistants, etc.) working with the research subjects have completed appropriate human subject research training;
  • Submitting a modification request if the purpose or design of the research protocol changes (investigators may not initiate changes in approved research without IRB review and approval, except in cases where changes are necessary to eliminate apparent immediate hazards to subjects);
  • Submitting an application for continuing review (renewal) at least two months prior to the expiration of an existing IRB approval, if research activities (including data analysis) are expected to continue beyond the expiration date;
  • Reporting any adverse events that occur during the research project;
  • Submitting a close out report at the conclusion of the project;
  • Maintaining records of all human subject research protocols for a minimum of three years after project completion; and
  • Ensuring that research records are well organized an easily accessible by the IRB and the appropriate funding agent.


*For additional information on Principle Investigators' responsibilities, modification requests, adverse events, etc., please see the MECC IRB Operational Manual.


The website for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP)provides a number of resources on the protection of human research subjects, including a variety of education and training opportunities.


Contact IRB Manager: Dr. Dale Lee (276) 276-523-9108