Graduation Application

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Graduation applications will be accepted for the Spring/Summer 2024 semester starting February 1, 2024. Applications will be available via the MyMECC portal by going to Student Information System > My Student Information > Apply for Graduation (under the Academics heading).


Step 1: Logging in to MyMECC and Accessing the Graduation Application

  • Begin by logging in to MyMECC. Click on the MyMecc icon in the right-hand corner of
  • Enter your MyMECC username and password on the login screen.
  • Select the SIS (Student Information System) tile.
  • Select the My Student Information tile.
  • Select the Apply for Graduation link under Academics.

Step 2: Updating Your Address (Skip to Step 3 if mailing address is correct)

  • Before beginning your application, verify that your mailing address is correct. This is the address that your diploma will be mailed to. If the address is correct, proceed to Step 3. If it is not correct, select the Update Address link to update your mailing address.
  • Select the Pencil icon next to your mailing address to edit the address.
  • Enter your new mailing address in Address 1, City, State, and Postal. Click the magnifying glass in the
    Residence/Juris field.
  • Select the Search By drop-down menu and select Jurisdiction-City/County.
  • Enter the county that your mailing address is in and then click search. Select your county from the Search Results.
  • Verify your updated address is correct and click OK.
  • Click Save to save the changes to your mailing address.
  • Click Cancel to return to the graduation application. Your updated address will now appear on your application.

Step 3: Completing Your Graduation Application

  • After verifying that your mailing address and other personal information is correct, click the Proceed with Making Application icon.
  • The Search Institution and Term section will appear. Enter ME299 as the institution. Click the magnifying glass to view the list of available terms and select the one that applies to you. Then click Continue.
  • In the Academic Plan section, click the checkbox for ALL programs that you are applying to graduate from. You are only able to submit one graduation application per term.
  • Verify that your primary name is correct in the Diploma/Certificate Name section. This is exactly how your name will appear on your diploma. Changes to your name cannot be made through the graduation application. To update your name, submit an Information Change Form and required documentation to Enrollment Services ( Note: Changing your preferred name in SIS will not make changes to your primary name. The only way to change your primary name is by submitting the Information Change Form.
  • In the Questionnaire section, review the questions and select all that apply to you. If you are a dual enrollment student, make sure to enter the name of your high school.
  • Read the information in the Instructions for Submitting Your Application section and click the I Agree checkbox at the bottom. Review your graduation application to verify that all information is correct and then click Submit.
  • A confirmation page will appear with a message that your application was successful. Additional details regarding graduation will be at the bottom of the confirmation page.

Click Here for Video Instructions On How To Apply for Graduation

Before You Apply

Before you submit your application, we recommend that you meet with your academic advisor to ensure you have completed your degree requirements. Please see additional instructions below on how to find your academic advisor.

  • If you are not currently listed in the program that you are applying to graduate from, please submit an Information Change Form to Enrollment Services ( This information must be up to date before applying to graduate.
  • You are required to submit ONE graduation application for ALL programs that you are applying to graduate from by the deadline. After submission, changes cannot be made to the graduation application. Please email for assistance.
  • All approved Course Substitutions and/or Credit by Advanced Standing must be submitted to Enrollment Services.
  • If you are currently completing credits at another institution that must be transferred back to MECC to meet your graduation requirements, please make sure you submit an official transcript to Enrollment Services ( as quickly as possible so your credits can be posted. If your transcript is not received in time, it could cause your graduation to be delayed to an upcoming semester. Please note – Official transcripts are not required from other colleges within the Virginia Community College System.
  • To be eligible to graduate, you must earn a grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 within your plan of study and complete at least 25% of the required credit at MECC.
  • Make sure to resolve all financial obligations to the College and return all materials, including library books.

Name and Address Updates

Your Primary name will be printed on your Diploma. To update your Primary Name, submit an Information Change Form and any documentation to Enrollment Services (

Your diploma will be mailed directly to your home using the mailing address in the Student Information System (SIS) via Parchment Services. Please review your address listed on the application and make any necessary corrections within the application. If changes are to be made after submitting the application, please submit an Information Change Form to Enrollment Services (

You can verify that your name, address, phone number, and email address are correct by going to Main Menu > Self Service > Student Center > Personal Information tab > Demographic Data.

graduation demo graphic


Requirement Term (Catalog Year)

The Requirement Term (Catalog Year) that is used to determine graduation requirements is the one in effect at the time of the student’s initial program placement into the plan, or any catalog thereafter, as long as the student has maintained an active status with the college.

In the event that there has been a break in a student’s enrollment at the college resulting in discontinuation, the catalog in effect at the time of the student’s re-admission into the plan, or any catalog thereafter, is the catalog that shall be in effect for the student. Following a three-year period of non-enrollment resulting in discontinuation, the student may only be re-admitted to those plans that are currently active. A student may not be re-admitted to a plan which has been inactivated.

To find your academic advisor, log in to MyMECC and select the “My Student Information” tile. This will take you to your student center. The name and phone number for your academic advisor can be found on the lower right-hand side of the screen under the Advisor heading. 



Multiple Degrees

Students may be eligible to graduate with multiple degrees and certificates if the content of the curricula differ from one another by at least 25%.  Specific curriculum conflicts can be found listed below.   Please contact the appropriate Division Dean, or email with questions regarding the awarding of multiple degrees.

The following degrees do not differ more than 25%, therefore students are not eligible to receive multiple degrees for these curricula.

Degree Information

If you are receiving:

You cannot also receive:

AA&S University/College Transfer

AA&S Business Administration

AA&S Pre-Teacher

AA&S Science


Click here for additional information about multiple degrees


Students who have fulfilled the requirements of degree, diploma, or certificate programs (with the exception of career studies certificates), are eligible for graduation honors. For the Spring Commencement Ceremony, appropriate honors are published based upon the student’s cumulative grade point average, recorded one semester prior to graduation (fall semester GPA for spring graduates and spring semester GPA for summer). Honors for fall semester will be based on the final GPA for that term. Honors are as follows:
  • Cum Laude (Honors) 3.2 GPA
  • Magna Cum Laude (High Honors) 3.5 GPA
  • Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors), 3.8 GPA

If a student’s final semester is spring or summer, the honor status will be updated at the end of the term to reflect the final semester GPA. This information will be noted on the student’s transcript and may vary from the commencement publication.

Commencement Ceremony 

  • Students who have successfully completed all graduation requirements in December are invited to participate in the May Commencement Ceremony.
  • Grad Day will be held on April 26, 2024, in the Goodloe Center (Phillips-Taylor Hall) at 11am. Grad Day is an opportunity to verify that your information is correct for the commencement program and to learn more about the schedule of the ceremony. Attendance is mandatory for those planning to walk in the Spring ceremony.
  • Cap and gown will be available for purchase through the MECC Bookstore. Please monitor your student email account for specific dates.
  • Mountain Empire Community College will host the Spring Commencement Ceremony on May 10, 2024, at 6:00pm. Check your student email regularly for additional information on Spring 2024 Commencement.

NOTE: The MECC Graduation Ceremony is a public event. The ceremony will be live streamed on social media as well as roaming photographers capturing the graduation event. Your image may be seen on social media or other college publications.

 Degree Posting & Diplomas
The college certifies graduates for Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. We begin our final review of all applicants once grades are finalized at the end of each semester. The degree posting process takes approximately 4 weeks to complete.

The only official document indicating graduation is an official academic transcript, not the diploma. If you need proof of graduation, please request an official transcript through our partnership with Parchment.

Diplomas will be mailed to students following conferrals of degrees and certificates in the student information system. Please verify that your address is correct in the system. You will receive an email with information regarding the shipment of your diploma.

Please monitor your student email account and MECC’s social media for additional details. Reach out to with any additional questions.